What does pumpkins mean in aviation?

What does pumpkins mean in aviation? September 30, 2023 | Travel Pedia. It means the pilots can no longer serve as useful crewmembers any more, as they passed the point of legally dispatching a flight, hence they are now as good as pumpkins for the purpose of air transportation.

Why do pilots say 5 by 5?

The phrase five by five can be used informally to mean good signal strength or loud and clear. An early example of this phrase was in 1946, recounting a wartime conversation.

Which fruit is not allowed in flight?

There are many restrictions when it comes to bringing fruit on a plane. Some can be found at the airport, and others are enforced by the airline. Any type of fruit that has been peeled or cut is prohibited. This includes fruits such as apples, pears, oranges and bananas.

Why do pilots say blue?

The callout from the pilots like LOC blue serves to remind themselves of the current flight guidance modes, and to maintain awareness of mode changes. This is also to ensure that their mental idea of what the aircraft will do next is up to date and fits to the current flight situation.

Why do pilots say heavy?

The word heavy means a larger aircraft type, with a Maximum Takeoff Weight of 160 tonnes or more. These aircraft create wake turbulence from their wings and require extra separation between following aircraft, and the use of heavy reminds other pilots of that fact.