What does cat 2 mean in aviation?

What does cat 2 mean in aviation? (ii) Cat II Operation: A precision instrument approach and landing with a decision height lower than 60m (200ft) but not lower than 30 m (100ft) and a runway visual range not less than 350m.

Can you land without ILS?

It is only possible to automatically land at an airport equipped with a suitable ILS. In short, no ILS, no automatic landing.

What is required for a CAT 2 approach?

The minimum for ILS approaches to CAT II runways is 100 feet DH/RVR 1200, regardless of published lower minimums. Passengers or property cannot be carried for compensation or hire. The LOA requires an operational check of the ILS equipment within the last 15 flight hours and 15 calendar days before flight.

What is the minimum ILS for Cat 2?

A Category II ILS approach provides the capability of flying to minima as low as a DH of 100 feet and an RVR of 1200.