What does C+ mean on Saltire card?
What does C+ mean on Saltire card? The large 'C' symbol in the bottom right hand corner indicates that you are entitled to Scotland-wide free bus travel.
Can I use my free travel pass to Belfast?
You can travel to Belfast and back on your Free Travel Pass but if you wish to travel within the city you need a Senior Smart Pass card each. Bus and train stations are close to the city centre.
What does P mean on free travel pass?
If you qualify for Free Travel, your Public Services Card (PSC) will have FT (for Free Travel) in the top left-hand corner. The letter following it shows who can travel for free with you: FT-P - you can travel for free. FT+S - your spouse, partner or cohabitant can travel with you for free.
Can I use my Scottish bus pass on trains?
You can travel for free, at any time, on any local bus service or scheduled long distance coach service. The card also entitles you to cheaper fares on First ScotRail trains and the Glasgow Subway.
What does the P mean on public service card?
If FT-P is written on the card the holder is personally entitled to free travel. If FT+S is written on the card the holder can travel with their spouse, partner or cohabitant. If FT+C is written on the card the holder can have a companion (over 16) travel with them for free.
What does C Plus mean on a bus pass?
Companion Permit (C+) If you hold an older persons or disabled persons bus pass and have difficulty travelling you could be entitled to travel with a companion.