What does bingo mean in aviation?

What does bingo mean in aviation? “Bingo” originally means to divert. According to the US Navy, the Bingo profile is when aircraft is in an emergency fuel situation. Pilots calculate the required minimum fuel and give an okay bingo call before departing to fly safely.

How do pilots say zero?

Pilots mostly pronounce numbers as in regular English but with a few exceptions. Zero (0) is always “zero,” not “oh.” Three (3) becomes “tree.” Five (5) becomes “fife.” Nine (9) becomes “niner.”

Why do pilots say Niner for nine?

Why do pilots say Niner instead of nine? It comes from military use of the alphabet and numbers to prevent confusion over the radio. Over a staticky radio, “nine” may be confused with “five”. Making nine into two syllables relieves any possible confusion since the only other two syllable number is seven.

What does code red mean on a plane?

CODE RED is used by the flight attendants to alert fellow crew members that a passenger is experiencing cardiac arrest and to grab certain medical equipment.