What does Awos mean in aviation?

What does Awos mean in aviation? Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) is a fully configurable airport weather system that provides continuous, real time information and reports on airport weather conditions.

What does Metar stand for?

Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR), also known as Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report, Meteorological Terminal Air Report or Meteorological Airfield Report is a format for reporting weather information.

Are runways true or magnetic?

All runways are numbered based on the magnetic azimuth (compass bearing) in which a runway is oriented. There are 360 degrees on a compass rose.

What is the difference between Part 121 and 135 pilot?

Part 121 is scheduled air carrier (airliners). Part 133 is external load (helicopter) operations. Part 135 is a set of rules with more stringent standards for commuter and on-demand operations. Part 135 operator rules govern commercial aircraft.