What does AV1ATE mean?
What does AV1ATE mean? AV1ATE (Airworthiness) A - Annual Check (12 Calender Months) V - VORs (30 Calendar Days) 1 - 100 Hour Check (100 Hours) A - Altimeter / Pitot Static (24 Calender Months) T - Transponder (24 Calender Months)
What does TLDR stand for?
or TLDR, tl;dr, tldr too long; didn't read: (used, especially online, to introduce a summary of a lengthy text.) (used as a comment, usually considered rude, on an online post, text message, etc., that is thought to be too lengthy.)
What does squawk 7500 mean?
The first emergency code that you may have become familiar with is Squawk 7500. This code is used to indicate that the aircraft has been hijacked, and therefore requires urgent emergency support from both security services and air traffic control.
Can airline pilots make 500k a year?
However, some Southwest pilots earn as much as $549,000. Similarly, United Airlines pilots earn an average of $205,000. The average Delta Airlines pilot earns $192,000 with top-earners making $526,000. American Airlines pilots earn an average salary of $118,000, with some pilots earning in excess of $700,000.
Can VFR pilots fly at night?
In some countries, VFR flight is permitted at night, and is known as night VFR. This is generally permitted only under more restrictive conditions, such as maintaining minimum safe altitudes, and may require additional training as a pilot at night may not be able to see and avoid obstacles.
What does squawk 7000 mean?
7000. ICAO. VFR standard squawk code when no other code has been assigned. EASA countries. Code that pilot shall set when not receiving air traffic services, unless otherwise prescribed by the competent authority.