What does arrival list mean?

What does arrival list mean? The Arrival List is an interactive report displaying all reservations that have an Arrive Date within the selected date range and can be generated for specific Booking Sources, Categories, Category Attributes, Category Groupings or Travel Agents.

How long is customs clearance UK?

How long does customs clearance take? The UK government states it can take up to 2 hours, however, road freight imports and exports are usually processed within minutes. If there is an issue with your goods, it could take up to 24 hours or worse, days or weeks.

Can a hotel tell you if someone checked in?

Can a hotel tell me if someone is staying there? No, a hotel cannot tell you if someone is staying there. This information is confidential and protected by the privacy laws of the country in which it operates.

How do hotels know if you have extra person?

Hotels typically have a policy in place to ensure that guests are not bringing extra people into their rooms. This is usually done by having the guest sign an agreement at check-in stating how many people will be staying in the room and requiring them to show identification for each person.