What does any route mean on a train ticket?

What does any route mean on a train ticket? Tickets that have been purchased with an “any available route” option can be used with any train company that operates between the stations you wish to travel. Any time tickets are the most flexible and can be used on any train on the chosen day of departure for the journey you have booked.

Can I get an earlier train than the one I booked Trainline?

Can I get an earlier train with an Advance ticket? Advance train tickets aren't flexible, so you must catch the train specified on your ticket. If you catch an earlier train, you may have to pay additional fees, so please check with ticket staff at the station.

What happens if you get caught on a train without a ticket UK?

Under the Penalty Fares regulations, passengers who are found without a valid ticket for their journey must pay either: a Penalty Fare of £20. twice the full applicable single fare to the next station at which the train calls, whichever is the greater.

Where is 1 hour on the train from London?

Brighton The most famous of London's day-trippable beach towns, Brighton blends beautiful beaches, grand architecture, and hip eateries in one perfect package. You can get from London to Brighton by train in less than an hour, with the fastest route taking just 52 minutes.

What happens if you miss a train in UK?

If you have an Advance ticket, you can get the next train operated by the same company that's specified on your ticket. If there's widespread disruption, or a very long wait until the next train (over 60 minutes), then you should be accommodated on a different company at no extra cost.

What is it called when you get on a train without a ticket?

October 2023) Fare evasion or fare dodging is the act of travelling on public transport without paying by deliberately not buying a required ticket to travel (having had the chance to do so).

Can I use my ticket on a later train if my train is Cancelled?

If a train is cancelled (and that's what's happened here) you're entitled to take the next train that matches any restrictions on your ticket. So if your ticket is routed via a certain place, you must go that way, or if it's only valid on a certain train company, you must use that companies services.

Can I get an earlier train than my ticket?

Advance train tickets aren't flexible, so you must catch the train specified on your ticket. If you catch an earlier train, you may have to pay additional fees, so please check with ticket staff at the station.

Can I use my ticket on an earlier train if my train is Cancelled?

If your train is cancelled, you can use your existing ticket to travel on the next available service... Advance Singles – hop on the next available train with the same train operator.