What does a black straw mean?

What does a black straw mean? A restaurant I worked it was: Black straws = alcoholic drink; clear straws = non-alcoholic drink. We did a lot of virgin drinks there, so it made sense.

Do attractive waiters get tipped more?

I find that attractive servers earn approximately $1261 more per year in tips than unattractive servers, a result that is both statistically and economically significant. The main driver of this beauty earnings gap appears to be female customers tipping attractive female servers more than unattractive female servers.

Do attractive waiters get more tips?

Not surprisingly, Lynn said, “a number of studies find that attractive women get better tips than less attractive women.” In his own research, he's also found that customers tend to favor women who wear makeup.

What not to say to a waiter?

14 Things You Should Never, Ever Say to Your Server
  • Thanks, sweetie/honey/baby/sugar. Using any kind of pet name or nickname is highly inappropriate. ...
  • You can still seat us, right? ...
  • Can I have a hot tea? ...
  • I'll take... ...
  • What's your favorite thing on the menu? ...
  • *whistling* ...
  • *snapping* ...
  • Susie, tell her what you want.