What documents do you need to enter Costa Rica?

What documents do you need to enter Costa Rica?

Requirements for Entry:
  • Passport valid for duration of stay. ...
  • Return ticket or proof of onward travel to another country.
  • Proof of yellow fever vaccination if you are arriving from certain countries in South America or Africa.
  • Proof of funds for at least $100 USD per month of proposed stay.

Should I exchange money before I travel to Costa Rica?

Nearly everybody accepts the U.S. dollar, so if you have dollars, you do not need to convert it. You will usually receive change in local Costa Rica colones. The exchange rate hovers between 500 and 550 colones to $1 USD. You can exchange money at banks or at the airport.

Should I carry my passport with me in Costa Rica?

carry your passport, including the Costa Rican entry stamp received at the immigration entry point. avoid showing signs of affluence or wearing expensive jewellery. avoid carrying large sums of cash or unnecessary valuables. avoid isolated or deserted areas.

Is Costa Rica safer than Mexico?

Although some places in Mexico are getting more expensive (Cancun and Tulum), generally speaking, it is much easier to travel Mexico on a budget. Is Mexico or Costa Rica safer? Costa Rica is considered to be safer than Mexico, with lower crime rates and political stability.

What documents are needed for international travel from USA?

A secure document is a passport, U.S. permanent resident card, or Stateless travel document, Re-Entry Permit, NEXUS card, U.S Merchant Mariner Card, military ID or emergency travel document issued by an embassy or consulate. U.S. passport cards are not valid for air travel outside the United States.

Should I bring US cash to Costa Rica?

Does Costa Rica take US dollars? The Costa Rica Colon is preferred, but US dollars are widely accepted. We recommend traveling with small denominations of US dollars for tipping purposes. Generally, bills larger than $20 are not accepted.

Do you need vaccines to go to Costa Rica?

The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for Costa Rica: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza. Recommended for travelers to most regions.

Is $20 a lot in Costa Rica?

Is $20 a lot in Costa Rica? It can be a lot, but it depends on your buying. However, you can easily find an excellent meal for two people for around $20 in Costa Rica, along with some great fruits, vegetables, and other goodies at the markets or soda shops.

Is it safe to carry a purse in Costa Rica?

Petty Crime in Costa Rica Always keep an eye on your belongings. Keep your purse on your lap or use a fanny pack and gentlemen, place your phone/wallet in your front pocket. Always have someone looking after your items at the beach or waterfalls while swimming.

How much cash should I bring to Costa Rica for a week?

How Much Cash Should I Carry in Costa Rica? In general, it's a good idea to carry between $50-$100, most of which should be composed of small and medium-sized bills (example exchange rates include $20 =10.000 colones, $10=5.000 colones, $4=2.000 colones, $2=1.000 colones.)

What can you not bring into Costa Rica?

Your luggage will be scanned and in some cases hand searched. Please be aware you may not bring plants, seeds, vegetables, or fruits into Costa Rica. 4. Exit the building and you will see your driver with a sign with your name and our Logo.

Should I put a copy of my passport in my checked luggage?

Copies of all identification documents for travel
Having photocopies of your important travel documents can save you a headache if you lose your important travel documents. Keep your original documents in your carry-on or personal item. You can store one copy of these identification documents in each checked bag.

Is it safe to travel to Costa Rica right now?

Costa Rica - Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution
Country Summary: While petty crime is the predominant threat for tourists in Costa Rica, violent crime, including armed robbery, homicide and sexual assault, occurs in Costa Rica.