What do you wear on the Road to Hana?

What do you wear on the Road to Hana? Cozy footwear is a must. Flip-flops are the best for the beach but don't forget to bring sneakers and socks for Hana hiking. Further, we suggest wearing a swimming suit under your clothes. Maui's hiking tracks usually lead to hidden lakes and stunning waterfalls – mainly along the Road to Hana.

Is it safe to swim in waterfalls on Road to Hana?

Located near mile marker 12 on the Road to Hana, Upper Puohokamoa Falls is a real gem worth a stop. The falls are just two minutes from the road, so you can take a break from your road trip and go for a nice swim.

Do you need cash for Road to Hana?

Bring cash Whether you stop at food trucks or roadside produce stands, it's a good idea to bring cash with you on your Road to Hana drive. While some vendors — such as the famous Aunty Sandy's banana bread stop — accept credit and debit cards, many businesses on the east side of Maui accept payment in cash only.

Do I need a rain jacket for the Road to Hana?

Bringing a jacket on the trip will help keep you comfortable and dry. While the weather at the start of your trip could be plenty warm and sunny, on the road to Hana you are likely to encounter passing rain showers. You will be touring through the rainforest after all!

What is the best day of the week to do the Road to Hana?

Experience tells me that a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday are probably best - mainly because there is LESS traffic to deal with. The Road to Hana is one of THE most popular drives on Maui, and while you cannot “escape” the traffic, the heaviest times are the beginnings and endings of the week, generally…

What month is best for Road to Hana?

Visit us between December and March to enjoy the low chance of rain and gorgeous outdoor attractions on the windward side of the island. We recommend checking out the car rentals and embarking on the iconic Road to Hana!

Do you need bug spray for Road to Hana?

Bug Spray - Mosquitos love Hana tourists. Charged Cameras - Many photo opps await you! Full Gas Tank - You most likely won't need a whole tank, but just in case. Respect for the land & people - A crucial component to everyone's happiness.

Is the Road to Hana stressful?

The best road trips are those where you can cruise around on the open road at your leisure, playing road trip songs or just enjoying the sounds of nature, stress-free. The Road to Hana is the opposite. It's crowded, fairly dangerous, and definitely stressful.

Where do you go to the bathroom on the Road to Hana?

After the Keanea arboretum, you can take a left and drive down into Wailua. There is a public park there with restrooms. There are restrooms at Pua`a Ka`a Wayside Park, parking on the left. The Halfway to Hana store has port-a-potties.

What time should you start the Road to Hana?

It's best to be on the road, leaving your resort by at least 7:30 am. If you start late, the Road to Hana can be crowded with other drivers. That can mean that you might find yourself crawling along behind slower drivers at time.

How do I prepare for the Road to Hana?

Hana Driving Checklist
  1. Decide on a day-trip or staying overnight. Hana is best experienced over at least a few days. ...
  2. Rent a car. Again, we encourage visitors to do a tour over renting your own car for this journey. ...
  3. Get The R2H CD Guide. ...
  4. Do some research. ...
  5. Pack a bag. ...
  6. Leave early and grab a picnic lunch. ...
  7. Pay attention to time.

Are rental cars allowed on the Road to Hana?

Most all rental car companies on Maui will allow you to drive to Hana. Driving the backside of Haleakala, past Oheo Gulch is not recommended for the faint of heart. Access to the ROAD TO HANA is Limited (learn more): The best parts of driving to Hana are between Paia and Seven Sacred Pools.

Is it better to drive the Road to Hana or take a tour?

This depends on what type of traveler you are and how much time you have. If you'd rather not drive, and you want a guide you can ask questions to, a Hana van tour is the best option. If you want a little more control over where you go, and you want to do your own research, driving is your best option.

How long does the full Road to Hana take?

The road has over 600 turns and many stops. If you were to drive straight from Ka'anapali to Hana without any stops, you could make the journey in two hours and 40 minutes. With stops, expect that you'll spend six hours getting to Hana. You likely won't stop on your way back, so the return trip should take three hours.

How hard is the Road to Hana to drive?

Driving along the Road to Hana requires careful attention. The roads can be crowded with drivers who don't always know where they're going, and unexpected traffic backups around curves can lead to sudden stops and accidents.

What is the scary part of the Road to Hana?

One of the main dangers on the Road to Hana is the narrow and winding nature of the road itself. The road is only two lanes wide, and it winds through the rainforest, with sharp turns and steep drop-offs. There are also many one-lane bridges along the route, which can be difficult to navigate.

Why is Road to Hana called divorce?

Some call it the “Road to Hell” or the “Road to Divorce” because you will have to journey across 52 miles of winding road, hairpin turns and numerous one lane bridges to experience all of Hana. This treacherous drive causes couples to argue. Don't worry, it's not that bad. Just take your time and drive carefully.

Do you get carsick on Road to Hana?

Tip 2: Take nausea medicine. I have a friend who took medicine before going on the Road to Hana and her group still had to turn back because she got so sick. Getting motion sickness is pretty common along this fairly wind-y road so if you can prepare in advance, that will help immensely.