What do you say before eating in Thailand?

What do you say before eating in Thailand? While table etiquette is somewhat crucial in Thai culture, saying something before a meal is not at all important. However, there is a chance that you will hear people say a few words before starting the meal. One of these is chooen. chooen, which means "please" as an invitation.

What does Bai Nai mean in Thai?

You might get asked: "Bai nai?" - "What are you doing?" which is often used instead of "How are you?". A good response is: "Bai tee-o" which means "I'm going out socially".

How to not be rude in Thailand?

Etiquette Do's
  1. Remove Your Shoes. The first rule of etiquette for entering a Thai residence, temple, or palace is to remove your shoes. ...
  2. Don't Step On Thresholds. ...
  3. Dress Properly. ...
  4. Always Return a Wai Greeting. ...
  5. Respect The Monks And Do Not Touch Them. ...
  6. Be Mindful When Taking Pictures. ...
  7. Smile. ...
  8. Don't Touch People's Heads.

Is it rude not to tip Thailand?

Tipping is NOT customary in Thailand, there is absolutely NO mandatory requirement to tip anyone, but small gratuities for great service are very much appreciated. Unlike some other parts of the world, you will never see a Thai service provider with his hand out waiting for a tip.