What do you like about flight attendant?

What do you like about flight attendant? Flight attendant's job gives you an opportunity to interact with different background people. Certainly, there will always be the crazy ones, but most of the passengers are interesting – each with their own story and destination. As well as it is a great chance to learn different cultures and customs.

What skills make a great flight attendant?

Important Qualities
  • Attentiveness. Flight attendants must be aware of security or safety risks during the flight. ...
  • Communication skills. Flight attendants should speak clearly and interact effectively with passengers and other crewmembers. ...
  • Customer-service skills. ...
  • Decision-making skills. ...
  • Physical stamina.

Why should cabin crew be beautiful?

Firstly, the cabin crew needs to be physically fit and able to handle the demands of the job, such as standing for long periods of time and lifting heavy luggage. They also need to be presentable and have a pleasant appearance so that they can represent the airline in a positive light.

How would you describe yourself as a flight attendant?

I have always enjoyed working with people and helping them solve problems. I am a quick learner, and I work well under pressure. I am looking for a challenging role where I can use my skills to help people.” “I am a recent graduate of XYZ University, and I have experience working in customer service and sales.

How do you handle rude passengers?

Tips for dealing with the most difficult passengers during a flight
  1. Keep it on the down-low. ...
  2. Switch it up. ...
  3. Use distraction. ...
  4. Talk to a colleague. ...
  5. Show compassion. ...
  6. Stop serving alcohol. ...
  7. Answer questions. ...
  8. Be kind to parents.

Is it fun to be a cabin crew?

Any cabin crew will tell you that their job is very rewarding. Yes, they have tough times too, but most love their job. Of course, this will vary depending on the airline and what type of flying schedule is involved. Here are some of the most popular reasons cabin crew enjoy their work so much.

What is the best thing about being a flight attendant?

Free flights and travel opportunities
This means many flight attendants can fly for free on their company airlines even when they are not working. Airlines typically offer these free flights on standby, which means the paying customers get on first, and then any extra seats can go to crew members .

What do you like least about being a flight attendant?

You'll be missing out on family and friends.
As you have a unique schedule every week or month, it can be difficult to make plans with family and friends. You will have to get creative with your time off and try to take advantage of any chance you have to see them.

What are the top 3 characteristics of a flight attendant?

Flight attendants should have poise, tact, and resourcefulness to handle stressful situations and meet passengers' needs. Decision-making skills. Flight attendants must be able to act decisively in emergency situations.

What do you like about being a flight attendant?

Travel opportunities
Flight attendants also often enjoy pleasant views when they fly over landmarks and approach destination cities. The best part of it all is that they don't have to pay for their tickets, as they're getting to and from their destinations while on the job.

Why do you want to be a cabin crew best answer?

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE CABIN CREW? “I want to be Cabin Crew for several reasons. The first reason is the level of responsibility that comes with the role. I enjoy challenges; I like learning new things, and I particularly enjoy helping people and making a positive difference in their daily lives.

Why did you choose our airline and not others?

Examples of Brief Answers
I have researched your company extensively and am impressed by your commitment to safety and customer service. I am a big fan of your airline and have flown with you many times. I love your unique culture and values.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years flight attendant?

Where do you see yourself five years from now? Say that in 5 years time, you see yourself as a senior cabin crew and would be willing to transfer and share your knowledge to new crew joiners. You would continue to learn and improve as life is a continuous learning journey.

Why are you passionate about cabin crew?

Tip: You may answer along the lines of “My love for traveling and exploring will help me share my passion for adventure with others. I get to share my experience with like-minded individuals and help passengers relax and have a good time during their flight.”