What do you call a person who craves adventure?

What do you call a person who craves adventure? They will often enjoy partaking in thrilling, exciting, or intense activities. “Adrenaline junkie” is a term that describes these people, but it is not a medical definition. Similar terms include “thrill-seeker” and “daredevil.”

What is the word for desire for adventure?

The Germans call the strong urge for travel wanderlust, literally a desire for wandering. We loved the German efficiency of the word so much we annexed it for our own language. With a word like lust inside it, wanderlust really captures the dreamy passion travelers all share.

What is the word for craving for adventure?

A strong desire to travel is called wanderlust. If you dream of backpacking through Europe and then taking a quick spin through southeast Asia, you have wanderlust.

What is truly adventurous?

Truly*Adventurous is a nonfiction laboratory conceived in a spirit of adventure and built with reckless faith in the power of true storytelling. We commission original works from the world's best nonfiction artists& distribute them here and in partnership with outstanding publishers.

What is the best quote for adventure?

Famous Adventure Quotes
  • “Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” – Amelia Earhart. ...
  • “I feel very adventurous. ...
  • “There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharlal Nehru. ...
  • “Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go.” – T.S.