What do tourists in Antarctica do?

What do tourists in Antarctica do? Activities include sightseeing ship-based cruises, visits to operational scientific stations and historical huts, small boat cruising, visits to wildlife sites and other wilderness sites, hiking, kayaking, mountaineering, camping and scuba-diving.

What can you not do in Antarctica?

Visitors must never disturb the Antarctic wildlife. You cannot touch, feed or do anything to alter the behaviour of animals. Keep noise to a minimum and avoid flash photography. If you keep still and quiet, animals may approach you, however you must never interfere with them.

How much does it cost to go to Antarctica?

A rough estimate for round-trip flights to Antarctica can range from $5,000 to $15,000 per person. It's important to note that traveling to Antarctica often requires specialized flights or cruises, and prices can be higher due to the remote location.