What do Italians do on weekends?
What do Italians do on weekends? In Italy, Sundays are family days and for many families, the only day that the kids are not in school (highschoolers attend half days on Saturdays as well). Sunday lunch – or Sunday brunch in some places – is a thing, so you should join the Italians. Just book in advance. Some good suggestions for Sunday lunch in Rome.
What is free Sunday in Italy?
The Rome Free Sunday is a fantastic initiative to allow everyone to visit (some) sites and monuments for free on the first Sunday of the month. Here's everything you need to know about how and when to visit sites in Rome for free: When exactly is the Free Sunday in Rome?
What months do Italians take off?
Traveling to Italy between late June and early September means facing the peak holiday season, with all the pros and cons that this entails. The great majority of Italians take time off work in either July or August, moving from the cities to the coast en masse to make the most out of the sunshine.
Why is dinner so late in Italy?
Italy is known for it's very late meals - lunch is about 1.30pm (earliest!) and dinner depends on the season - it can be as late at 11pm! One of the reasons for such late dinners, is so that the members of the family can wait for each other to come back from work and sit down at the table all together.