What do immigration officers check for?

What do immigration officers check for? At each U.S. port of entry, CBP officers review the passports, visas and other supporting documents of every foreign national arriving in the U.S. Your first encounter with CBP officers will be at a primary inspection station. Officers ask foreign nationals questions that confirm their identity and nationality.

How do customs decide who to search?

They don't put their entire trust in people's good character, of course; customs performs a thorough search of some percentage of all travelers. Some customs agencies decide which travellers to search based on random chance. You are asked to press a button on a machine that activates a random number generator.

Do immigration officers check your social media?

Does USCIS Screen Your Social Media Activity? Yes, USCIS may survey your social media accounts. Their surveillance is strictly for the evaluation of your application for immigration benefits. Their findings can influence a decision about your eligibility.

Can immigration officer come to your house?

Immigration officers may not enter your home unless they have a “warrant.” A warrant is a document issued by a court or government agency. There are two types of warrant — one for when they are coming to arrest you, and another for when they have permission from a judge tosearch your home.

What questions do immigration officers ask at airport?

Prepare for Likely Questions From U.S. CBP Officials
  • Why are you visiting the United States? ...
  • Where will you be staying? ...
  • Who will you be visiting? ...
  • How long will you be staying in the U.S.? If you're coming in with an immigrant visa (have been approved for U.S. permanent residence), you won't likely be asked this.