What do I need to know before travelling to Canada?

What do I need to know before travelling to Canada?

  • #1 – Be Prepared for the Weather.
  • #2 – Check the Visa & Entry Requirements.
  • #3 – Consider Travel Insurance for Canada.
  • #4 – Check the Alcohol Age Limit.
  • #5 – Be Wildlife Smart.
  • #6 – Stick to One (or Two) Areas.
  • #7 – Research Transportation.
  • #8 – Be Prepared to Tip.

Do I need to bring cash to Canada from US?

There are no restrictions on the amount of money you can bring into or take out of Canada, nor is it illegal to do so. However, any time you cross the border, you must declare any currency or monetary instruments you have in your possession that are valued at CAN$10,000 or more.

Do I need to fill out a form to enter Canada?

Submit your customs and immigration declaration online using Advance Declaration up to 72 hours before you arrive in Canada. If you choose not to submit your declaration in advance, you can complete it at an airport kiosk or eGate.

What do I fill out when entering Canada?

Submit your customs and immigration declaration online using Advance Declaration up to 72 hours before you arrive in Canada. If you choose not to submit your declaration in advance, you can complete it at an airport kiosk or eGate.

Should I bring US cash to Canada?

USD not universally accepted If you are planning to rely on USD in Canada, you may like to reconsider. Although large retailers, tourist attractions, hotels and border crossings accept US currency, smaller and rural destinations may not.

What do you need to pass the border by car?

U.S. citizens must present a valid U.S. passport book or card, in addition to an entry permit (Forma Migratoria Multiple or FMM) issued by Instituto Nacional de Migración (INM). Travelers should be sure to enter Mexico with valid proof of automobile registration, even if remaining in the border zone.

What does a US citizen need to return to the US from Canada?

Entry into the United States: When traveling by air from Canada, U.S. citizens must present a U.S. passport book or other approved identification document.

Can I go to Canada with an enhanced license?

If you plan to cross into Canada via a land border, however, a qualifying enhanced license can work as long as you do not have a DUI arrest in your past. Consequently, Americans with an Enhanced Driver's License (EDL) who wish to enter Canada by vehicle are often able to do so without a passport.

What documents do I need to cross the US border from Canada by car?

Travel by land or water
a valid passport. a Trusted Traveler Program card. an enhanced driver's licence (EDL) or enhanced identification card (EIC) from a province or territory where a U.S. approved EDL/EIC program has been implemented.

Do you need to be vaccinated to cross from Canada to US?

Congressman Higgins Confirms U.S. to Lift COVID Vaccine Mandate at US-Canada Border on May 11. Congressman Brian Higgins (NY-26) has received confirmation from the White House that on May 11th the United States will lift its requirement for Canadians crossing into the United States to be vaccinated against COVID.

Can I travel to Canada with my US birth certificate?

Canada requires proof of citizenship or resident status to enter the country under §§14(3) and 14(4) of the Passport and Travel Documents section of the Immigration Regulations of Canada (enclosed). A birth certificate is one form of proof.