What do flight attendants say during an emergency landing?

What do flight attendants say during an emergency landing? Preparation: Shout initial commands that emphasize an initial action by the passengers, such as “heads down, stay down!” or “Grab ankles, stay down!” Evaluate: Assess outside conditions while shouting passengers to stay back. Tell ABPs to help hold passengers back.

Do flight attendants know first aid?

Do flight attendants get medical training? Yes, many flight attendants receive medical training and are taught how to respond should a medical emergency occur during a flight, including administering CPR and first aid.

What do pilots say in an emergency landing?

If distress, MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAY-DAY; if urgency, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN, PAN-PAN. Name of station addressed. Aircraft identification and type.

What are 3 things flight attendants notice about passengers?

It's not abnormal — especially post-pandemic — to see passengers on a flight wearing medical masks. Flight attendants may make note of these passengers as potentially feeling sick, but they will also look for swollen or red eyes, sweating, or sweating when scanning guests.

What are the 3 emergency squawk codes?

The 3 Must-Know Aircraft Emergency Squawk Codes For Pilots
  • 7700 – Distress or Urgency Condition. Before we begin discussing emergencies, let's define our terms as listed in the Pilot/Controller Glossary. ...
  • 7600 – Two-Way Radio Communication Failure (NORDO) ...
  • 7500 – Air Piracy (Hijacking or Hostile Acts Onboard)

Where do flight attendants sleep after landing?

When they reach their destination, flight attendants are often provided with a hotel stay during layovers. The airline will choose a hotel for the cabin crew and cover the cost of the hotel for their stay; that includes transportation to and from the hotel and food eaten while in the hotel.

How do you woo a flight attendant?

How to Pick Up a Flight Attendant
  1. Make eye contact. And say hello! ...
  2. Don't show me your bag tag. If you have to tell me your frequent flier status, you're probably doing something wrong. ...
  3. Help a passenger. ...
  4. Keep your seatbelt fastened. ...
  5. Remove your headphones. ...
  6. Share something. ...
  7. Don't ring your call light. ...
  8. Go for it.

Can pilots hear flight attendants?

Yes, when the pilot makes the selection to speak on the PA, he will hear if anyone else is using the PA. They would just wait until the other party is finished, or they can take priority and speak over them.

What do flight attendants do before takeoff?

Before the plane takes off, the attendants must: Greet passengers and direct them to their seats. Help passengers stow their carry-on luggage. Make sure passengers near the emergency exits are prepared to help out in an emergency.

What language do flight attendants speak?

It is a general practice that cabin crew members do speak English to facilitate the communication in the aviation industry. The operator defines what languages its cabin crew members must be able to speak and at what level.

What is the motto of flight attendant?

“Flying high, soaring above the clouds, making dreams come true.” “Cabin crew: the ultimate multitaskers in the sky.” “The sky is not the limit, it's our playground.” “We may be up in the clouds, but we never forget our feet on the ground.”

Why do flight attendants say hi?

Flight attendants are looking for able-bodied people and warning signs. So when you walk on the airplane and see our happy, smiling face, we're actually looking you up and down, and we are trying to find our ABPs, the Salt-Lake-City-based flight attendant said in the video.