What do flight attendants say before flight?

What do flight attendants say before flight?

Pre-flight Announcement
We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off.

What is pre-flight announcement?

A pre-flight safety briefing (also known as a pre-flight demonstration, in-flight safety briefing, in-flight safety demonstration, safety instructions, or simply the safety video) is a detailed explanation given before take-off to airline passengers about the safety features of the aircraft they are aboard.

How do flight attendants greet passengers?

As passengers board the plane, members of the cabin crew team are required to count each person using a clicker. In order to be discreet while they smile and welcome you onboard, the nifty little device is held behind their back.

What do flight attendants say during an emergency landing?

Preparation: Shout initial commands that emphasize an initial action by the passengers, such as “heads down, stay down!” or “Grab ankles, stay down!” Evaluate: Assess outside conditions while shouting passengers to stay back. Tell ABPs to help hold passengers back.

Do flight attendants know your status?

As soon as every flight is completely boarded, the gate agent gives the flight attendants a passenger list which includes that information. It also includes your status with the airline and in some cases the number of reward miles you hold on the airline.

What is the first thing flight attendants notice?

How fit you are. Because their first concern is safety, what flight attendants notice about you has much to do with your ability to keep yourself and others safe. They'll make a mental note of passengers who are in good shape and who can help lift heavy items and lend a hand if necessary.

How can I make my flight attendant happy?

How to make your flight attendant like you
  1. Say hi back. If a flight attendant greets you upon boarding, don't just ignore them. ...
  2. Listen to the safety demo. It's just polite. ...
  3. Headphones off! ...
  4. Be specific when ordering. ...
  5. Same for cold drinks. ...
  6. Say please and thank you. ...
  7. Magazines! ...
  8. Treats.

What is an example of a pre boarding announcement?

Pre-boarding Announcement
We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.

What do flight attendants do before takeoff?

Before the plane takes off, the attendants must: Greet passengers and direct them to their seats. Help passengers stow their carry-on luggage. Make sure passengers near the emergency exits are prepared to help out in an emergency.

Do flight attendants have to stand the whole flight?

Flight Attendants (FAs) are strictly required to be seated during take-off and landings only and usually not during descent or climb, unlike passengers who are usually required to be seated and buckled. Then it depends on the local rules for how long they are supposed to stay there.

What is the motto of flight attendant?

“Flying high, soaring above the clouds, making dreams come true.” “Cabin crew: the ultimate multitaskers in the sky.” “The sky is not the limit, it's our playground.” “We may be up in the clouds, but we never forget our feet on the ground.”

What is a male flight attendant called?

You might have heard the term stewardess, a female flight attendant, but the name has trickled out of use in favor of the gender-neutral flight attendant. A steward is the male version of that. Anyone who takes care of places or people is a steward.

Where do flight attendants stay after a flight?

When they reach their destination, flight attendants are often provided with a hotel stay during layovers. The airline will choose a hotel for the cabin crew and cover the cost of the hotel for their stay; that includes transportation to and from the hotel and food eaten while in the hotel.

Can flight attendant sleep during the flight?

Flight attendants on long-haul flights are provided with spaces to rest.

Why do flight attendants say hi?

Flight attendants are looking for able-bodied people and warning signs. So when you walk on the airplane and see our happy, smiling face, we're actually looking you up and down, and we are trying to find our ABPs, the Salt-Lake-City-based flight attendant said in the video.