What did ancient castles look like?

What did ancient castles look like? These early castles were mainly of motte and bailey type. The 'motte' was made up of a large mound of earth with a wooden tower on top, while the 'bailey' was a large ditch and bank enclosure which surrounded the motte. These timber castles were quite cheap and very quick to build.

What did castles look like inside?

Castle owners always had private 'apartments', or at least a bedroom with an en-suite loo and a chamber where they welcomed visitors. There was often a private chapel too. These were usually in the safest part of the castle, and only trusted servants or honoured guests were allowed in.

Did castles have dirt floors?

Pressed Dirt Floors: Found in nearly every region of the world, dirt floors were a common sight in early castles. These floors were created by taking dirt from the castle grounds and pressing it into a solid floor. However, dirt floors were very difficult to keep clean and over time, would begin to crack and crumble.

What is the oldest castle still inhabited?

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest inhabited castle in the world and has been the family home of British kings and queens for almost 1,000 years. It is an official residence of Her Majesty The Queen and is still very much a working royal palace today, home to around 150 people.

What are 3 features of a medieval castle?

The typical features of a medieval castle were: Moat - a perimeter ditch with or without water. Barbican - a fortification to protect a gate. Curtain Walls & Towers - the perimeter defensive wall.

How were castles attacked?

Fire - Early castles were made of wood, so they were easy to attack by setting fire to them. Battering ram - A large log that was hit against the castle walls to weaken them. Catapult - Catapults, or trebuchets, threw large stones and burning objects at the castle.

What country has the most castles?

Germany. The country with the most castles is Germany! It's thought that Germany has around 25,000 castles within its borders.

What were castle floors made of?

In a ground-floor hall the floor was beaten earth, stone or plaster; when the hall was elevated to the upper story the floor was nearly always timber, supported either by a row of wooden pillars in the basement below, as in Chepstow's Great Hall (shown left), or by stone vaulting.

Why did castles have water around them?

The purpose of a moat was primarily to protect the castle from attack. As a defense mechanism, moats were very effective. Although they're usually depicted as wide, deep bodies of water, moats were often simply dry ditches.

Were medieval castles smelly damp and dark?

The first stone castles built were cold, dark, smelly and damp. Inside the castle walls, floor coverings consisted of straw rushes and, later, sweet smelling herbs to mask the smell of animal excrement, grease, rotting food and beer.

What did medieval castles smell like?

Castles and manor houses often smelled damp and musty. To counteract this, herbs and rushes were strewn across the floors.

Why were castles white?

Castle walls could be plastered and whitewashed to protect the walls and mortar. The White Tower in the Tower of London is named for such a reason. Whether a castle would be 'white' would really depend on the plaster used and I'd expect to vary by custom from county to country and from age to age.

What castle was never conquered?

Castle of Zafra, Campillo de Duenas This partly restored castle in Spain was built in the late 12th century or early 13th century. It holds the distinction of never being conquered.

How did they stay warm in castles?

In the chamber – the more private rooms of the castle – there were beds with curtains, giving an extra layer of warmth, and these rooms largely had fireplaces. When there were no fireplaces rooms were heated with moveable fire stands.

Were moats filled with sewage?

It turns out that those fairy tales you read as a child all left out a very important truth: The moats that surrounded medieval castles weren't just useful defenses against attack; they were also open sewers into which the castles' primitive waste disposal systems flushed human excrement and other foul substances.

Why did castles stop being built?

After the 16th century, castles declined as a mode of defense, mostly because of the invention and improvement of heavy cannons and mortars. This artillery could throw heavy cannonballs with so much force that even strong curtain walls could not hold up.

Did castles have bathrooms?

In the medieval period luxury castles were built with indoor toilets known as 'garderobes', and the waste dropped into a pit below.

Why did a castle have strong high walls?

Attackers had to climb over them to get closer to the castle. The walls of the castles were very high making it hard for attackers to climb over.