What database is Uber using?

What database is Uber using? Uber uses a NoSQL database (schemaless) built on top of the MySQL database. Redis for both caching and queuing. Some are behind Twemproxy (which provides scalability of the caching layer). Some are behind a custom clustering system.

How big is Uber database?

With Uber's business continuing to scale at light speed, we soon had tens of petabytes of data. On a daily basis, there were tens of terabytes of new data added to our data lake, and our Big Data platform grew to over 10,000 vcores with over 100,000 running batch jobs on any given day.

How does Uber use Python?

They chose Python for the frontend and backend code and large-scale mathematical computations. The backend of Uber makes predictions about traffic, supply and demand, arrival times and approximate travel times.

What data does Uber keep?

When you use Uber services, the company collects data about the type of services requested, transaction amounts, merchant information, delivery data and more. If you receive a promo code from Uber and you give that code to another user, Uber will create an association in its records between you and the other user.