What currency should I take to Montego Bay?

What currency should I take to Montego Bay? For the majority of travelers only US dollars are required. For most of the rest of tourists to Jamaica, mainly US dollars will be used with a minority of purchases made in Jamaican dollars. Only a small percentage of travelers will need to exchange large amounts of foreign currency into Jamaican dollars.

How much cash should I take to Jamaica for a week?

It is recommended that you bring between $150 and $500 per person for spending depending on what you plan to do. Please have at least $200 in small bills ($1.00, $5.00 and $10.00) with the balance in twenties.

Can you drink tap water in Jamaica?

Is the water safe to drink in Jamaica? Mostly, tap water in Jamaica is safe to drink, but in more remote areas you may want to avoid drinking water straight out of the tap, unless it has been boiled, filtered or otherwise treated.

Is it safe to wear jewelry in Jamaica?

Keep your luggage in view at all times and your personal effects close to your body. Don't carry large amounts of cash. Do not leave valuables in your car; utilize the in-room safety deposit box or hotel safe. Avoid wearing expensive jewelry outside of your resort.