What countries is Turo available in?

What countries is Turo available in? Where Turo is available. You can book a trip with a Turo host in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. You can also book a Turo trip in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec.

Can a US citizen rent a car in Germany?

Driving in Germany You can rent a car with a US driver's license. International licenses are accepted, but not legally required. There are no tolls for private cars on German roads.

Does Turo exist in England?

You can book a trip with a Turo host in the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom.

Is there Turo in Germany?

Turo also received a significant strategic investment from Daimler at the same time, as it acquired the automaker's car-sharing experiment, and it now operates peer-to-peer rental services in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. in addition to Germany.

Is there a better app than Turo?

The best alternatives to Turo are Skurt 2.0, Getaround, and Carculator. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.

Why is Turo not in Europe?

Turo previously also offered its service in Germany, after an investment from Daimler allowed the company to take over the automaker's car-sharing subsidiary, Croove. However, at the start of the pandemic, Turo decided to sunset its German operations to maintain the “long-term health of the global business.”

Who is Turo biggest competitor?

Top 10 Turo competitors
  • Flexcar.
  • HyreCar.
  • Getaround.
  • Sway Mobility.
  • BlaBlaCar.
  • Karshare.
  • Uber.
  • Lyft.

Is there a Turo equivalent in Europe?

Both Turo and DRIVAR in Germany believe in the idea of a “rental as an experience” so that renters can skip the usual rental counter and have a seamless and hassle-free event compared to “normal” rental companies.

What city uses Turo the most?

Turo's post what guests are booking, how much hosts are earning, and seasonal trends in the City of Angels. Los Angeles keeps the crown As Turo's largest mark...

Can US citizens rent a car in Mexico?

Can you rent a car in Mexico with a US license? A US license is accepted for renting a car in Mexico. Note that the driving age in Mexico is 18, and all drivers are required to carry locally provided liability insurance.

What is the most trusted car rental in Italy?

The 5 best car rental companies in Italy
  1. TravelPerk: best for business travel. ...
  2. Maggiore: catering to all requirements. ...
  3. Locauto: ideal for short journeys and local know-how. ...
  4. Noleggiare: Italian through-and-through. ...
  5. Sicily by Car: a standard car provider ticking all the boxes.

Why is Turo trip fee so expensive?

These factors include the vehicle's value (a higher-value vehicle may incur a higher trip fee), lead time of booking (trips booked further in advance can lower the associated trip fee), trip duration (shorter trips contribute to a higher trip fee, while longer trips can help reduce the trip fee), and more.