What countries are close to Gran Canaria?

What countries are close to Gran Canaria? The Canary Islands are situated right in front of Morocco's coast and in relation to Spain they are located south-west of the continental territory.

Are the Canary Islands closer to Spain or Morocco?

The Canary Islands archipelago is a string of seven islands, closer to Morocco than to their mother country Spain. The islands are home to more than 2 million people, and their main trade is tourism.

Is Gran Canaria closer to Spain or Africa?

The Canary Archipelago is far closer to Africa than Spain. If you look at the Canary Islands travel info, you might be surprised by just how close the Canary Islands are to the African mainland. They sit on the African tectonic plate.

Are the Canary Islands worth it?

You can visit unique landscapes The natural diversity of the Canary Islands includes surprising spaces shaped by their volcanic origins, like Timanfaya National Park, on Lanzarote; Spain's tallest mountain (Mt Teide, Tenerife, in Teide National Park), and spectacular viewing points - for example, on El Hierro.

What is Puerto Rico like in Gran Canaria?

Puerto Rico is the main tourist destination of the municipality in Mogán on the south west of Gran Canaria, with picturesque volcanic valleys running down to beautiful beaches. Puerto Rico is dedicated to tourism, offering the perfect combination of sunny days, beach living and nightlife.

Can you see Morocco from Gran Canaria?

The Cape Verde Islands (to the south-west), the Azores (to the north-west) and the Atlas Mountains in Morocco (to the north-east, peak ~ 3600 m) are all too far away (1500, 1500 and 900 km respectively) to be visible from any of the Canary Islands.

What is so special about the Canary Islands?

These islands are known for being the sunshine centre of Europe, and offer mild temperatures and a range of outstanding natural attractions. In fact, five of its seven islands have been declared a Biosphere Reserve, and the archipelago has four national parks.

Why is Gran Canaria so popular?

Also known as the 'miniature continent', Gran Canaria is renowned for its marked contrasts. On a single day, we can enjoy marvellous beaches surrounded by dunes and climb peaks covered in Canary Island pine forests, with their greenery standing out starkly against the dark volcanic earth.