What class rapids are Victoria Falls?

What class rapids are Victoria Falls? You'll have class three and class five rapids, accompanied by calm pools and a beautiful waterfall. There are guided tours and full-day trips, including a guided tour of the Victoria Falls.

Is Niagara Falls Class 6?

The Niagara Gorge is a deadly section of exploratory rapids. As the water travels through, it reaches about 30 mph, creating the Class 6 Whirlpool Rapids, some of the most extreme in the entire world.

What grade is rafting at Victoria Falls?

The white water rafting on the Zambezi River below the Victoria Falls is commonly recognised as the best and biggest grade 5 white water rafting in the World.

What is Grade 5 river rafting?

Class V: Expert. Extremely long, obstructed, or very violent rapids which expose a paddler to added risk. Drops may contain large, unavoidable waves and holes or steep, congested chutes with complex, demanding routes.

Can a beginner do Class 4 rapids?

These rapids are often best saved for those who have rafted before, but that doesn't necessarily rule out the first-time adventure-seekers. If you're in great shape and ready for a physical and mental challenge, you may be ready for Class IV rapids rafting trip on your first river expedition.

Are there Class 5 rapids in North Carolina?

Located near North Carolina's southern boundary, the Green River (a French Broad tributary) is 60 miles long. It's highly regarded for whitewater sports, with great runs for novices (Class II-III) and experienced rafters (Class V).

What is the hardest river to raft in the US?

Upper Tuolumne River (Cherry Creek), California Cherry Creek is the gold standard for Class V and is the hardest section of commercially rafted whitewater in the United States. Rapids like Mushroom (V), Toadstool (V), and Lewis's Leap (V) challenge even the most experienced river guides.

Are Class 4 rapids OK for kids?

While most people can raft Class 4 rapids for their first time, there are several requirements. The minimum age to raft Class 4 rivers, depending on the river and company, is 12-14 years old. Many Class 4s recommend that you are in good physical condition, on the adventurous side, and know how to swim.

What does a Class 4 rapids look like?

Class IV Rapids - Whitewater with Obstacles and More Technical Skills » Larger waves, narrow passages, and multiple obstacles to avoid requiring precise maneuvering to avoid upset.

What grade are the Grand Canyon rapids?

Grand Canyon rapids are rated on a 1-10 scale. Flat water is 1 while tough rapids like Lava Falls or Crystal can be rated 10 at certain water levels. A 10 rating in the canyon is roughly equivalent to a Class V in the standard river scale.

What class rapids is the Yellowstone?

The Yellowstone River is classified as Class II-III rapids from Yellowstone National Park to Paradise Valley (the first 18 miles of legally navigable whitewater on the Yellowstone River).

What class rapids is Niagara Falls?

Feel the thrill of being at the river's edge! White Water Walk offers a first-hand lesson in the raw power and peril of the Niagara River's Class 6 whitewater rapids, some of the wildest in North America.

Are there any Class 6 rapids in the US?

Whirlpool Rapids Gorge—Niagara River, New York The Niagara Gorge is a deadly section of exploratory rapids. As the water travels through, it reaches about 30 mph, creating the Class 6 Whirlpool Rapids, some of the most extreme in the entire world.