What city is Taxi Driver set?
What city is Taxi Driver set? Set in a decaying and morally bankrupt New York City following the Vietnam War, the film follows Travis Bickle (De Niro), a veteran and taxi driver, and his deteriorating mental state as he works nights in the city.
What is Travis Bickle mental illness?
Those with schizotypal personality disorder tend to feel uncomfortable and have a difficult time in social circumstances, although they may still be friendly towards others. In the film Taxi Driver, Robert De Niro's character Travis Bickle seems to be suffering from this disorder.
Why is Travis so weird in Taxi Driver?
He hates the thugs and filth he sees on the streets while he drives yet he frequents porno theaters and his apartment is constantly a mess. He has a moral compass but again he suffers from insomnia, social awkwardness, and PTSD to a certain extent which leads him to the infamous shootout sequence.