What can't you do after 6pm in Florida?

What can't you do after 6pm in Florida? In Florida, it's illegal to fart in a public place after 6pm on a Thursday. The thing which is interesting is the fact people don't understand which part of the law is more astonishing – not being able to fart on Thursdays or not being able to fart after 6 pm.

What age gap is illegal in Florida?

Romeo & Juliet Law Criteria To be protected by the Romeo & Juliet law in Florida, the following criteria must be met: The younger party must be between 14 and 17 years old. The age difference between the two individuals must not exceed four years.

Is it illegal for a man to wear a dress in Florida?

It's illegal for men to wear a strapless gown The law actually says that men cannot be seen publicly in any kind of strapless gown.