What can you not eat or drink in the Dominican Republic?

What can you not eat or drink in the Dominican Republic?

NEVER DO the following in the Dominican Republic:
  • Never drink tap water. ...
  • Never eat fruit and vegetables from stalls and fruit kiosks without washing and peeling them. ...
  • Not drink fresh juice from fruit kiosks. ...
  • Not use ice from kiosks. ...
  • Not play with street animals. ...
  • Not eat raw meat and fish (ceviche).

Can you drink coffee in Dominican Republic?

While Dominican food is not to be missed, coffee is the most central part of everyday life in the Dominican Republic. In fact, it is the Dominican national non-alcoholic drink. Everybody drinks it. To refuse an offer of a cafecito is seen as ungracious, and sometimes downright unpatriotic!

What to do if you get diarrhea in Dominican Republic?

See a healthcare provider if your symptoms are severe or last for more than a few days. You can prevent it by avoiding unsafe water and not eating unsafe foods.

What can you not bring into Punta Cana?

Baggage is declared upon arrival on the island and when you depart. Do NOT bring illegal drugs, animal products and agricultural items. CURRENCY: The Peso is the National currency of the Dominican Republic.

Can you have ice in your drinks in Dominican Republic?

8, Food & Water Precautions). Advise travelers not to eat raw or undercooked seafood, and remind them to drink only purified, bottled water. Ice served in well-established tourist locations is usually made from purified water and safe to consume. Ice might not be safe in remote or non-tourist areas, however.