What can you not bring to Hawaii?

What can you not bring to Hawaii?

  • Pineapple and bromeliad plants and fruits.
  • Passion fruit plants and seeds.
  • Cruciferous root vegetables (radish, turnip, daikon, horseradish, rutabaga)
  • Corn on the cob.
  • Citrus and pulpy fruits from Florida & Puerto Rico.
  • Taro and dasheen.
  • Coconuts.

Which month is cheapest to fly to Hawaii?

April thru June and mid-August thru mid-September are Hawaii's low seasons, and airfares are lower then. No matter what time of year you travel, you may be able to score better deals if you travel midweek.

What not to pack when moving to Hawaii?

So all those jackets, hats, gloves, and gear have no place in Hawaii. You don't need that formal wardrobe either. Unless your profession calls for it, a nice Hawaiian shirt replaces a suit and tie. I certainly own some nice dress shoes but seem to wear my slippers more than anything else.

Do you need to carry cash in Hawaii?

Most establishments on Oahu–particularly in tourist areas–accept all major credit and debit cards. Nonetheless, having a small amount of cash on hand can be extremely useful. To avoid ATM withdrawal fees, bring cash with you from home. We suggest carrying a small amount with you each day–around $50 should be good.

How much is a normal meal in Hawaii?

Although the following figures are average estimates on what you might spend on necessities and fun in Hawaii, they may help you when planning your vacation budget: Breakfast and lunch: $8 to $16 per person. Dinner: $14 to $25 per person. Gourmet meal: $25 to $55 per person.

How many bathing suits to bring to Hawaii?

You can travel relatively lightly for a weeklong trip to Hawaii. Your itinerary will ultimately guide your choices, but generally speaking, three bathing suits, a cover-up, a few pairs of shorts and tank tops, a sundress, an extra lightweight layer, and a hiking outfit will more than cover your week's looks.

Is Hawaii expensive to eat out?

Honestly, prices in Hawaii are not greater than mainland US. Some restaurants DO charge high prices depending on where (usually ocean side dining costs more, eating at high-end chain restaurants or hotels is expensive). However, there are places to eat where you can expect to pay prices you are familiar with.

Do you go through customs in Hawaii?

Alaska and Hawaii are US States. You don't have to clear customs. Flying from the US Mainland is just like driving from from one state to another in the Lower 48 States. The only difference is you traveling by plane and not in a car or truck.

What should I wear on a plane to Hawaii?

Wear long pants, walking shoes and as light as possible jackets for the flights. It can be cold on the plane and you will not need the long pants but the walking shoes and jackets will come in handy. Boat trips and evenings may well require jackets.

How can I be comfortable on a plane to Hawaii?

How? The best way to stay comfortable on any flight over four hours is to wear loose-fitting clothing and layers so you can adjust to temperature changes. Items like loose-fitting jeans, t-shirts, and comfy tops for work well. Tennis shoes are also great for long trips.

Why is food in Hawaii so expensive?

Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is thousands of miles away from mainland United States and other major food-producing regions. This isolation makes it difficult and costly to transport food to the islands, resulting in higher prices for consumers.

Does Hawaii check your luggage?

To prevent the spread of invasive pests and diseases, APHIS inspects all passenger bags moving from Hawaii to the U.S. mainland, Alaska, and Guam. APHIS officials perform the inspection at the airport prior to your departure. Please be prepared to open and close your own bags.

What do you have to declare at customs Hawaii?

Any type of dutiable good, food, plant or animal product must be declared. If you and your travel companions together are carrying $10,000 or more in cash or other negotiable instruments such as endorsed checks, you must declare it upon arrival. If you do not, it is subject to forfeiture.

What is not allowed in a carry-on?

Firearms, ammunition, and fireworks are prohibited, as are all knives and safety razors (including pocket knives and Swiss Army knives). Straight razors and replacement blades for straight razors are also not allowed. Most tools also cannot be packed in carry-on luggage, as they have the potential to cause harm.

What food items are not allowed in checked luggage?

Checked Bags: Yes
Solid food items (not liquids or gels) can be transported in either your carry-on or checked bags. Liquid or gel food items larger than 3.4 oz are not allowed in carry-on bags and should be placed in your checked bags if possible.