What can you do with 500 pesos in Mexico?

What can you do with 500 pesos in Mexico? For traveling (even on a backpacker budget), it is perhaps better to consider what 500 pesos (or $25 will buy). That is enough to rent a car for a way (minus non-specified expenses). It is also enough for dormitory accommodation in some of the cheapest hostels in Mexico City for two nights (around $8 per night).

Is 500 pesos alot in Mexico?

For traveling (even on a backpacker budget), it is perhaps better to consider what 500 pesos (or $25 will buy). That is enough to rent a car for a way (minus non-specified expenses). It is also enough for dormitory accommodation in some of the cheapest hostels in Mexico City for two nights (around $8 per night).

Is 10 dollars a good tip in Mexico?

We would always suggest tipping a minimum of 10% at restaurants in Mexico. Check the bill and see if a service charge for gratuity was included.

What can 100 pesos get you?

With 100 Pesos, tourists can also buy ice cream, fruits, or juice from the local food markets. If they do not want to spend their money on food, they can purchase a ticket to enter Tulum ruins, Chapultepec Castle, Museo Nacional de Antropologia, etc.

How much can 200 pesos get you in Mexico?

200 Pesos: The 200-Peso note is a common one to get at ATMs and is often the largest note that market sellers and small shops will accept. It's green and is worth about $10 USD. 500 Pesos: The 500-Peso note is the largest you're likely to see. It's currently brown, but they are starting to make new ones which are blue.

Should I take dollars or pesos to Mexico?

The best currency to bring to Mexico is a mix of pesos and US dollars. Use the dollars to pay for tours, entrance fees, accommodation, and travel. For everything else use pesos. It should be relatively simple to get pesos in your own country before you travel.

Is $5 alot to tip in Mexico?

If you're on a tour with a lot of people (20-100 people), each person should leave a tip of at least $5 U.S. (90 pesos). If you're on a tour with very few people (e.g., four people in your family), the group should leave a tip that is equivalent to 15-20% of the cost of the tour.

Is $1 a good tip in Mexico?

It is not necessary to tip an additional amount. A minimum of $1-$2 U.S. (20-40 pesos) per round of drinks is customary, or if you're running a tab, leave 15-20% of the total as a tip. Remember, if you are receiving Happy Hour half-price, tip on the regular pricing amount.

Is it better to use cash or credit card in Mexico?

Preparing your travel money options beforehand is the key to a stress-free vacation. Credit cards, debit cards, prepaid travel cards and cash are all accepted in Mexico. Outside of a few purchases like transportation fare or local shops, a credit card will be your best bet for everyday purchases.