What buses does FlixBus use?
What buses does FlixBus use? In the USA, the Greyhound Bus network on one hand and the routes covered by FlixBus US on the other provide travelers with a US-wide service. At FlixTrain, we work with partners who are operating green trains in Germany and Sweden.
How strict is Flixbus with luggage?
On your journey you may transport one item of hand luggage and one travel luggage item for free. Label them with your name and address to avoid luggage mix-ups. Your hand luggage is limited to one item with dimensions up to 42 x 30 x 18 cm and weighing up to 7 kg. Carry any valuable items in your hand luggage.
What can you not bring on FlixBus?
Items of furniture or parts of items of furniture, electrical appliances, surfboards, car parts, cardboard packaging and animals (with the exception of guide dogs and companion dogs) may not be transported on our buses.
Is FlixBus cheaper last minute?
Our tickets – The earlier you book, the more you save! We offer rides through the US at smart prices - the earlier you book, the cheaper the ticket!
What is special about FlixBus?
In addition to the luggage allowances, our buses offer amenities like on-board WiFi, extra legroom, power outlets, and toilets, making your trip as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
What happens if you miss a bus on FlixBus?
If you miss your connecting FlixBus or Flixtrain because of a delay on your first ride, we will book you for free into the next available connection. You will be informed of this by SMS or e-mail.
Can I sit anywhere on FlixBus?
Depending on the trip, either any seat on the bus can be reserved or only individual rows. On some of our partners' buses, seat reservations is not available. If you have reserved a specific seat, you will find your seat number on your ticket.
What brands are FlixBus?
FlixBus (German pronunciation: ['fl?ksb?s]; styled FLiXBUS) is a German brand that offers intercity bus service in Europe, North America, and South America, with plans to launch in India in 2024. It is owned by Flix SE, which also operates Flixtrain, FlixCar, Kâmil Koç, and Greyhound Lines.
Can you bring food on FlixBus?
You may eat and drink on the bus so that you feel completely at home and relaxed while you travel. However, please keep your fellow travelers in mind and follow a few guidelines: Avoid strong-smelling foods. Leave your seat like you would like to find it: no crumbs, leftover food or trash.
Can you go to toilet on FlixBus?
Restrooms. Few too many minutes until you reach your stop? No reason to be nervous! There is a restroom on every FlixBus.
Does FlixBus stop for bathroom break?
However, we want to bring you to your destination as quickly as possible, which is why we do not take any additional breaks. We offer on-board restrooms to make long distance trips more enjoyable without breaks.