What bus brings you to Tallaght?

What bus brings you to Tallaght? The following public bus routes serve the Tallaght area: 54A from Pearse St. to Ellensborough / Kiltipper Way (stops at entrance) 27 from Clare Hall to Jobstown (stops at entrance) 65 from Poolbeg St.

Where does the 39 bus leave from in Dublin?

The Dublin 39 bus serves 77 bus stops in Dublin departing from Delhurst and ending at Burlington Road.

Where does the 38 bus go in Dublin?

The Dublin 38 bus serves 58 bus stops in Dublin departing from Mespil Hotel and ending at Damastown Ibm. Scroll down to see upcoming bus 38 times at each stop. You can also see connecting lines for the bus 38 route at each stop, so you can understand where and when to transfer.

Where does the 83 bus go in Dublin?

The Dublin 83 bus serves 67 bus stops in Dublin departing from Harristown and ending at Stannaway Avenue. Scroll down to see upcoming bus 83 times at each stop. You can also see connecting lines for the bus 83 route at each stop, so you can understand where and when to transfer.