What buildings are left from Rome?

What buildings are left from Rome?

Here is a list of 6 remarkably well-preserved Roman buildings.
  • Maison Carrée: Roman Architecture and the Imperial Cult. ...
  • The Temple of Augustus: One of the Best Preserved Roman Monuments. ...
  • Curia Julia in Rome: The Center of the Roman World. ...
  • The Tower of Hercules: The Beacon at the Empire's Edge.

What is the oldest Roman building still standing?

The Pantheon of Rome is regarded as the oldest building in the world still in use (even if it is dedicated to a different deity these days). It is truly a national treasure of Italy - it is considered the best preserved ancient Roman monument and the most copied.

What is the oldest building in the world?

Göbekli Tepe is an archaeological site of a temple in Southeastern Turkey and has been dated back to 9500 - 8000 BCE. This date was discovered by carbon dating old tools found during excavations. This building is in fact the oldest structure on earth that we have found to date.