What are VFR over-the-top conditions?

What are VFR over-the-top conditions? VFR over-the-top (OTT) refers to flying over top of clouds in visual flight, rather than with reference to instruments. This is usually done for brief amount of time to avoid weather or turbulence.

What is the highest VFR you can fly?

In the US, there are specific VFR cruising altitudes, based on the aircraft's course, to assist pilots in separating their aircraft while operating under visual flight above 3,000 ft above the surface (AGL) but below 18,000 ft Mean Sea Level (MSL).

In what airspace will ATC not authorize VFR-on-top?

ATC will not authorize VFR or VFR-on-top operations in Class A airspace.

Can you fly VFR at 3000 feet?

The VFR Cruising Altitude rule does not apply below 3,000 feet AGL. There are some altitudes, however, that pilots seem to choose for level flight. Close to sea level they are 1000, 1500, 2000 and 2500. They are easy to read and remember on an altimeter.

Do I need a clearance for a VFR flight?

Inside controlled zones or airfields, VFR pilots have to receive an initial clearance. Usually, the VFR pilot will start his aircraft prior to contacting the controller. And he is ready to taxi. Be aware that some specific airfields do not allow this; please consult your charts.

What is VFR over-the-top clearance?

VFR over-the-top (OTT) refers to flying over top of clouds in visual flight, rather than with reference to instruments. This is usually done for brief amount of time to avoid weather or turbulence.

Where are VFR-on-top operations prohibited?

VFR-on-Top Restrictions: VFR-on-top is not permitted in certain airspace areas, such as Class A airspace, certain restricted areas, etc. Consequently, IFR flights operating VFR-on-top will avoid such airspace.

How do you get VFR over-the-top?

Requesting A Climb To VFR-On-Top VFR-On-Top is a request you need to initialize with ATC. You can request to climb through clouds, haze, smoke, or other weather layers with the intent of either operating VFR-On-Top, or cancelling your IFR clearance after you reach VFR conditions.

How high can you fly without IFR?

Use of instrument flight rules is also required when flying in Class A airspace regardless of weather conditions. Class A airspace extends from 18,000 feet above mean sea level to flight level 600 (60,000 feet pressure altitude) above the contiguous 48 United States and overlying the waters within 12 miles thereof.

Can you fly VFR above 10000?

VFR aircraft also must maintain a horizontal distance of 1sm from clouds while operating in Class E at and above 10,000ft. Below 10,000ft, the increase in TAS is reduced due to the lower altitudes. Therefore, the minimum forward flight visibility can be reduced from 5sm to 3sm.