What are the worst days for traffic?

What are the worst days for traffic? By Day. Car accidents are more likely to occur on a Saturday, and far less likely to happen on Tuesday and Wednesday. Days closer to the weekend, likely because of more traffic on the road, see more accidents. After Saturday, Friday and Thursday make a close second and third.

Is traffic worse on Thursday or Friday?

A lot of people take Fridays off for long weekends. And many that do go in on Fridays go in late and/or leave early. In anticipation - and in buildup from the rest of the week - people are especially regimented on Thursdays and hit the road at normal rush hour times, creating a relatively unusual glut of traffic.

Is traffic worse on Fridays or Saturdays?

Traffic tends to be worse on Fridays for several reasons: Commuters leaving early for the weekend: Many people choose to leave work early on Fridays to start their weekend activities. This creates more traffic on the roads during peak hours.

Why is traffic worse on certain days?

As most commuters know, some days are worse than others. Pile high demand (say, a Friday before a three-day weekend) on top of heavy rain and a lane-blocking crash, and you've got the ingredients for severe congestion.

What are the worst days to travel by car?

Car accidents are more likely to occur on a Saturday, and far less likely to happen on Tuesday and Wednesday. Days closer to the weekend, likely because of more traffic on the road, see more accidents. After Saturday, Friday and Thursday make a close second and third.

Is traffic less at night?

There is a lot less traffic on the road at night than during the day, which means you can usually get through cities faster and with less stress.

Why is traffic worse in the evening?

Rush Hour. Evening rush hour (between 4 and 7 p.m. weekdays) is a dangerous time to drive due to crowded roadways and drivers eager to get home after work. In winter, it's dark during rush hour, compounding an already dangerous driving situation.

What is the safest hour to drive?

How to Drive Safely in The Morning. While we're all usually in our rush to get to work in the morning, from a statistical standpoint, morning hours are the best times to drive. The numbers of fatalities from car crashes are the lowest during the time period from 6:00 am until 11:59 am.

Is traffic worse on Mondays or Tuesdays?

A Traffic can jump 2 to 3 percent on Tuesdays from Mondays, when more people are apt to take off work or work at home or whatever .