What are the values of flight attendant?

What are the values of flight attendant?

Flight attendants typically have the following work values:
  • Consider relationships important. They like to work in a friendly, non-competitive environment. ...
  • Consider support from their employer important. ...
  • Consider good working conditions important. ...
  • Consider independence important.

What should I say in a flight attendant interview?

Example: “I'm confident I will be a good flight attendant because of my people skills, professionalism, ability to remain calm during a crisis, and my focus on providing great customer experiences.

What personality types are flight attendants?

Flight attendants are enterprising and social
They also tend to be social, meaning that they thrive in situations where they can interact with, persuade, or help people. If you are one or both of these archetypes, you may be well suited to be a flight attendant.

Which airline is the hardest to become a flight attendant?

For aspiring flight attendants, Delta Air Lines, ranked by its employees as one of the best places to work, is also one of the most difficult places to get a job. It's harder to get invited to Delta flight attendant training than it is to get into Harvard University.

Why do you want to work for this airline answer?

“I know that your airline has a strong commitment to safety and customer service. I've read about your modern fleet of aircraft and I'm impressed by your global reach. I would be proud to work for an airline that is making such a positive impact on the industry.”

Why is it so hard to become a Delta flight attendant?

As everyone at Delta knows, to become a flight attendant takes more than a desire to travel. It requires technical knowledge – like memorizing the configurations of nine different planes and learning how to operate 16 different door and window variations – and a desire to care for customers.

What are the top 3 characteristics of a flight attendant?

Flight attendants should have poise, tact, and resourcefulness to handle stressful situations and meet passengers' needs. Decision-making skills. Flight attendants must be able to act decisively in emergency situations.

What makes you stand out as a flight attendant?

With so many people wanting to become flight attendants, it's important to make sure you stand out from the rest of the applicants. Be sure to highlight your customer service skills, communication skills, and ability to work well under pressure.

How will you console a panic passenger?

Talking them through their worries shows that you're knowledgeable and in control. This should calm their fears. Remind them, “If at any point you're not having fun, let me know and we will land.” This gives them a sense of control, and reminds them that they're never far away from a safe landing.

What is the most important skill of flight attendant?

1. Communication. Exceptional communication skills are vital to achieving success as a flight attendant. Whether you're relaying information to the pilot or other members of the cabin crew, you need to do so clearly and effectively.