What are the two features of the Amazon river?

What are the two features of the Amazon river? 1) The Amazon River is the second-longest river in the world, after the Nile. 2) The Amazon River was named after the Amazons, warrior women of Greek mythology. 3) The Amazon River is a freshwater river.

Can you swim in Amazon River?

It has a wide range of biomes from untouched forest, to alpine zones, to big cities to a delta. This means there are a huge range of places that you could potentially swim - how safe each of those is, is very very dependent on where it is.

What is the Amazon river facts for kids?

The Amazon River is the second-longest river in the world. Running through the Amazon Rainforest in South America, it is more than 4,000 miles long and home to many different animals and plants. The Amazon River has over 1,100 tributaries, rivers or streams that are connected to a larger river or lake.

Is the Amazon still on fire 2023?

While deforestation has decreased significantly in the Amazon this year, the forest is still burning at an alarming rate.

What is the nickname of the Amazon river?

Consequently, the Amazon river presence in the natural world isn't short of impressive – being the largest river (by discharge of water) in the world, and the second in length, with approximately 6400 meters (equivalent to 4000 miles). All this has gained it the nickname of “The River Sea”.

What are the two unique features of the Amazon basin?

The Amazon basin is the largest drainage basin in the world, more than twice as large as that of the Congo River in Africa. Approximately one-fifth of all freshwater runoff on Earth passes through this watershed.

What are the 2 main sources of water for the Amazon river?

The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world. A majority of the water in the Amazonia Rivers is attributed to glacial melt from the Andes in the western Amazon and the rains created by the Amazon's trees.

What are 2 impressive facts about the Amazon river?

The Amazon River is by far the world's largest river by volume, carrying more than five times the volume of the Congo or twelve times that of the Mississippi. It drains an area nearly the size of the forty-eight contiguous United States and has over 1,100 tributaries, 17 of which are longer than 1000 miles.

What lives in the Amazon river?

The Amazon is one of Earth's last refuges for jaguars, harpy eagles, and pink river dolphins, and it is home to sloths, black spider monkeys, and poison dart frogs. It contains one in 10 known species on Earth, 40,000 plant species, 3,000 freshwater fish species, and more than 370 types of reptiles.

Which common feature is found in the Amazon?

One of the characteristics of the Amazon tropical rainforest, is seasonal flooding. The varzea, or the flooded forest of the Amazon River Basin, where the largest tracts of the rainforests are inundated to depths of 40 feet during seasonal flooding.

Are there 2 Amazon rivers?

The Meeting of Waters (Portuguese: Encontro das Águas) is the confluence between the dark (blackwater) Rio Negro and the pale sandy-colored (whitewater) Amazon River, referred to as the Solimões River in Brazil upriver of this confluence. For 6 km (3.7 mi) the waters of the two rivers run side by side without mixing.