What are the things you must never do while Travelling in a bus?

What are the things you must never do while Travelling in a bus?

9 Things Not to Do on a Bus
  • Avoid eating foods that are particularly smelly as it will cause the entire bus to smell.
  • Keep the volume down on your headphones so you don't disturb other passengers.
  • Don't put your feet on the chair of the person in front of you.
  • Keep your items confined to your one seat.

How do I prepare for a bus trip?

Tips for Preparing for a Bus Trip
  1. Arrive early. It doesn't matter where you are going, or what you are doing, arriving early is always a good rule of thumb. ...
  2. Bring things for peace and quiet. ...
  3. Get comfortable. ...
  4. Bring music, a book, or other activities. ...
  5. Keep valuables close. ...
  6. Pack snacks. ...
  7. Take rest stops.

What are some bad things about bus travel?

Plus in certain destinations bus travel is a necessary obligation. However there are disadvantages, too – the buses are often overcrowded and dirty and the frequent stops that make buses so easy to catch also make them a slow means of getting from A to B.

What to do and not to do when traveling?

Travel safety
  1. Keep your travel plans, including accommodation details, to yourself.
  2. Don't hitch hike.
  3. Try not to travel at night.
  4. Avoid 'seedier' areas of the cities you visit, especially at night.
  5. Ask your hotel manager for advice on 'safe' versus 'unsafe' local areas.

What should you do before getting out of your bus?

Explanation: Before you leave your bus, you must always apply the parking brake.

What to do when in a bus?

Fun Things to Do on a Bus Ride Without Electronics
  1. Nap. There's something about the lull of a long bus ride that makes it so perfect for falling asleep. ...
  2. Road Trip Bingo. ...
  3. Write. ...
  4. Word Searches/Crosswords/Puzzle Books. ...
  5. Knit or Crochet. ...
  6. Twenty Questions. ...
  7. Ghost in the Graveyard. ...
  8. The “License Plate” Game.

What can we do while travelling in bus?

Fun Things to Do on a Bus Ride Without Electronics
  • Nap. There's something about the lull of a long bus ride that makes it so perfect for falling asleep. ...
  • Road Trip Bingo. ...
  • Write. ...
  • Word Searches/Crosswords/Puzzle Books. ...
  • Knit or Crochet. ...
  • Twenty Questions. ...
  • Ghost in the Graveyard. ...
  • The “License Plate” Game.

What should you not do on a bus?

Don't push, shove and hit. Keep hands, head and other items inside the bus windows. Do not eat or drink on the bus. No food or drinks are allowed on the bus.

What should we keep in mind while travelling in a bus?

Allow passengers to exit before you board. If there's a line, respect the order and wait your turn. Check the Route and Stops: Once you're on the bus, keep an eye on the route and the stops. Some buses might announce stops verbally or display them on screens, while others might not.

How safe is going in a bus?

Buses Safest Transportation for School Children Designed for safety, with flashing lights, giant mirrors, stop-sign arms and that bright yellow color, students are far more likely to get to school safely when taking a school bus than traveling by car, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

How do I prepare for the bus?

Tips for Preparing for a Bus Trip
  1. Arrive early. It doesn't matter where you are going, or what you are doing, arriving early is always a good rule of thumb. ...
  2. Bring things for peace and quiet. ...
  3. Get comfortable. ...
  4. Bring music, a book, or other activities. ...
  5. Keep valuables close. ...
  6. Pack snacks. ...
  7. Take rest stops.

What are 3 disadvantages of buses?

Disadvantages of Public Transport
  • The commute by public transport can be slower than by personal vehicles. ...
  • As public transport vehicles don't stop at specific destinations, you must take care of your travel from the stand or station to reach your desired stop.
  • Privacy is a big issue in public transport.

Why should we not get in or out of a moving bus?

One's feet instantly come to rest on the ground when one jumps from a moving bus, but the upper part of our body continues to go forward due to inertia of motion. As a result, when attempting to jump from a moving bus, one may fall down or briefly lose his equilibrium.

What not to do on a school bus?

Most serious school bus incidents occur when children are outside the buses and most involve children under the age of nine.
  • Be early for the bus.
  • Never run to or from the bus.
  • Be alert and stand back from the curb.
  • Don't push or shove.
  • Stay in your seat.
  • Don't yell or shout.
  • Always obey the driver.

What are the common problems in bus?

Watch Out for These Common Mechanical Issues in Buses
  • Brake Issues. Commercial buses make a lot of stops, so the brakes are bound to have more than the usual wear and tear after a while. ...
  • Dead Batteries. ...
  • Overheated Engine. ...
  • Tire Issues.

What are 3 negative effects of transportation?

Transportation also leads to noise pollution, water pollution, and affects ecosystems through multiple direct and indirect interactions. With the continuous growth in transportation, increasingly shifting to high-speed transportation modes, these externalities are expected to grow.

What are the unwritten rules of the bus?

Wait for others to exit the bus before boarding (if the same door is used for in and out). Board quickly and move ahead to make space for others. If there is a free seat, sit down. Store your baggage safely so that it does not endanger others and does not occupy other seats.