What are the statistics for travel by gender?

What are the statistics for travel by gender? Women made more trips than men. They make shorter commute trips, and more nonwork trips. Women are more likely to trip chain on the way to and from work, especially when they have younger children. Employed married women show more variability in their day-to-day trip frequencies than employed married men.

Who spends the most on travel?

China was the country worldwide with the highest outbound tourism expenditure in 2021. That year, China's outbound tourism spending amounted to more than 109 billion U.S. dollars, showing a 17 percent decrease from 2020 and only accounting for roughly 43 percent of the value reported in 2019.

Who are the people who travel?

Types of travellers
  • Holidaymakers. These people will travel to a holiday destination for a typical resort holiday. ...
  • Business Travellers. ...
  • Backpackers & Adventure Travellers. ...
  • Expedition Members. ...
  • Long Term Travellers. ...
  • Travellers with Special Needs. ...
  • Children. ...
  • Elderly Travellers.

What age group spends the most on travel?

This may come as no surprise, but Baby Boomers spend significantly more on vacations than the other generations – especially Gen Z. Those in the newest generation, Gen Z, tend to have just one traveler named on a policy, while the other generations tend to buy plans for at least two travelers.

Why is gender important in tourism?

Gender equality and women's empowerment are fundamental components of just, equitable societies. Tourism has been proven to provide pathways to empowerment, and that the opportunity for tourism to make a difference in this area should be maximized.

What is the most common way people travel?

The vast majority of passenger travel in the United States occurs by automobile for shorter distances and airplane or railroad for longer distances.

What gender is most likely to travel?

Globally, 64% of travelers are female while 36% are male. Yes, 91% of women book travel with friends. But they're also more likely than men to travel solo.

What is the gender bias in transport?

Women typically walk longer distances than men and make frequent, shorter trips with more stops to combine multiple tasks. Men, by contrast, tend to follow more direct and linear patterns. Females engage in more non-work-related travel than males and are more likely to be accompanied by children or elderly relatives.

Which ethnicity travels the most?

White people travelled 6,878 miles per person per year – over 1,700 miles more than any other ethnic group.

How many Americans have never left the US?

It is estimated that approximately 40% of Americans never travel outside the USA in their entire lifetimes.