What are the ranks on a ship?

What are the ranks on a ship?

Here is a brief explanation of both permanent and volunteer roles.
  • Captain (or Master) The Captain is in command of the ship and is responsible for the safety of all crew and the vessel.
  • Mate (or 1st Mate, 1st Officer) ...
  • 2nd Mate (or 2nd Officer) ...
  • 3rd Mate (or 3rd Officer) ...
  • Bosun. ...
  • Chief Engineer. ...
  • 2nd Engineer. ...
  • Medical Purser.

Where is the best position on a ship?

2-Mid-ships (middle of the ship) Common wisdom has always stated that if you can get a mid-ship cabin then this will be the 'best' position on the ship. Going back to the see-saw metaphor, imagine the middle of the it. Whilst the seats go up and down, the middle never actually moves. It's the same on a cruise ship.