What are the most rainy months in Mexico?

What are the most rainy months in Mexico? Most of the country experiences a rainy season from June to mid-October and significantly less rain during the remainder of the year. February and July generally are the driest and wettest months, respectively.

What month has the least rainfall in Mexico?

Sunshine and rainfall The driest month is May with 7 mm of rainfall and 30 perfect sunny days. The wettest month is October with 77 mm of rain over 6 days.

Should I go to Mexico in August?

If you're going to Mexico in August, just be prepared for some afternoon showers and higher temperatures, and you'll do just fine. The great thing about August Mexico weather is that though you'll have rain, the storms tend to pass quickly, and the sun comes back out.

Is October a good time to visit Mexico?

October is the end of Mexico's rainy season, but the threat of hurricanes still looms. Weather is cooler though, making this generally a nice time to visit, with few crowds. Events to check out: The Festival Cervantino, held in Guanajuato every October, is one of the country's most celebrated cultural festivals.

What month is hurricane season in Mexico?

Event: Mexico's hurricane season is from May through November, with most storms developing between July and October. Hurricanes and tropical storms can cause life-threatening flash floods, dangerous winds, treacherous surf and rip currents, and other hazardous conditions.

Where is the best weather in Mexico?

Mexico's coastal hot spots, like Cancun and Los Cabos, offer warmth and sun almost year-round, while high-elevation Mexico City boasts consistently mild temperatures and plenty of indoor activities to enjoy when the rainy season hits.

What is the monsoon season in Mexico?

The monsoon starts to develop in Mexico in June, and moves into the U.S. Southwest in July. By early to mid-September, wind patterns have generally reverted back to the westerly pattern, bringing an end to the monsoon. There is some variability in the onset and demise of the monsoon.

Does all of Mexico have a rainy season?

Mexico's rainy season runs (generally) from May/June to October (sometimes extends to November) each year. Most regions south of the Tropic of Cancer (near Mazatlán) are affected.

Is it better to go to Mexico in August or September?

The best time to visit Mexico is between December and April, when the sun is high in the sky, and there is almost no rain. July to August is also a good season to visit, as the summer heat would have waned away, but the summer vacation crowds might be too high for some people.

What month is the hottest in Mexico?

The hottest months in Mexico The hottest months are April & May in the South, and July to September on Pacific Coast (Including Baja), and extremely hot in the Yucatan May to September.