What are the leading edge flaps on a Airbus?

What are the leading edge flaps on a Airbus? A leading-edge droop flap comprises the rounded front part of a wing, in movable form. The Airbus A380 has droop flaps between the fuselage and each inboard engine, at the leading edge of the thickest part of each wing.

Why not full flaps on takeoff?

Full flaps increase drag more than they increase lift and is used to slow the aircraft for landing. Taking off with 10 to 20 degrees of flaps increases lift for takeoff without incurring a lot of drag, which you don't want for taking off.

How do pilots know when to lower flaps?

Most of the time, landing flap will be determined by the landing performance required, flap 30 is nearly always desirable unless we need the lower approach speed, or if increased forward visibility is required such as during low vis ops. Performance is the determining factor.