What are the green spots on Flightaware map?

What are the green spots on Flightaware map? Flights in blue are to/from the airport being viewed. Flights in green are transitioning that airspace to and from other airports.

What is the blue dotted line on FlightAware?

A dotted blue line is the intended route based on the filed flight plan, The green is the actual route flown based on ADS-B. If you view the whole flight on FA and zoom in real close you will see both lines as the flight pretty much followed the filed plan.

What do dotted lines mean on flight radar?

Flightradar24. @flightradar24. The dotted line means that aircraft was out of coverage. It's a straight line between points where coverage was lost and resumed.

What is the difference between yellow and blue FlightAware?

Aircraft located using satellite data are coloured blue on the map, and yellow if located by terrestrial receivers. In February 2022, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the website crashed due to an influx of visitors tracking flights in and around Ukraine.

What is the difference between green and white line in FlightAware?

The white line is basically estimated position while the green is when the aircraft is actually being tracked. This is a somewhat common question.

What does a green and red mean on plane?

These lights allow an observer to determine the position and direction of an aircraft. For example, if an airplane were flying directly towards you, you would see a green then red light (from left to right). If an aircraft were flying past you towards your left, you would only see a red light.

What are green areas on flight maps?

Regulatory Restricted Zones: Due to local regulations and policies, flights are prohibited within the scope of some special areas. Recommended flight: This area is shown in green on the map.

What does GREY line mean in flight tracker?

Also if you see a grey (dotted) line of the aircraft it is an indication that the aircraft is out of coverage of the ADSB recievers and the system is then plotting the expected trajectory for that flight.

What do the different colors mean on flight tracker?

On the map a coloured line shows the route of the aircraft. Purple colours indicate cruising altitudes. White colours indicate the plane is on the ground. As a plane takes off, the colours change from white, to yellow, to green, to light blue, to dark blue and finally to purple.

What do blue planes mean on FlightAware?

@flightradar24. Our most asked question on social media: “What do the blue planes mean?” Blue planes indicate aircraft are being tracked by satellite-based ADS-B receivers.

What is the difference between FlightAware and Flightradar24?

Flightradar24 is the more customizable of the two, and while FlightAware says it tracks more flights, it lacks options like showing planes on the ground. (There's also a third flight-tracking app and website, Planefinder, which looks and feels similar to Flightradar24 and has the same price for the premium version.)

What is a squawk code in aviation?

Squawk codes are what air traffic control (ATC) use to identify aircraft when they are flying. They are unique four-digit numbers and range from 0000 to 7777; some of which are fixed values signifying specific scenarios (see below), others being randomly generated by ATC.

What does the gray line mean on Flightaware?

The grey area there indicates that the aircraft is out of coverage ( an estimated flightpath is presented) for that part of the flight. The altutude graphic is part of the Skyaware map you have when you are feeding data towards Flightaware.

Why is a plane red on flightradar24?

Red: When an aircraft is displayed as red that means that you are currently following that specific aircraft on the map or that an emergency squawk is on for this aircraft.

Why do planes squawk 7700?

The most well know of these is the code 7700. This is used to indicate an emergency of any kind. A pilot will enter this when in an emergency situation - either instructed by ATC after declaring an emergency or without communication if there is no time.

What does squawk 7600 mean?

Code 7600. Code 7600 is the code for a loss of radio. If a pilot's radio goes out during a fight, they can enter 7600 into the transponder. Then they should proceed to their intended airport following a standard landing plan. Pilots should be extra careful and on alert for other aircraft around them in the sky.