What are the duties of clearance delivery?
What are the duties of clearance delivery? Clearance Delivery is an air traffic controller whose function is to coordinate with other ATC facilities and provide departing aircraft with an instrument flight clearance The pilot of a departing aircraft calls clearance delivery, states the aircraft identification and destination, and requests an IFR clearance.
Who is responsible for the ATC clearance?
14 CFR Section 91.3(a) states: “The pilot-in-command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft.” If ATC issues a clearance that would cause a pilot to deviate from a rule or regulation, or in the pilot's opinion, would place the aircraft in jeopardy, IT ...
How to get clearance when theres no clearance delivery on field?
Picking Up Your Clearance On The Ground When you're on the ground at a non-towered airport, you have three primary options to get your clearance: call flight service, call Center or Approach Control directly, or use a clearance delivery phone number.
Can you get flight following from clearance delivery?
At airports with a clearance delivery frequency you will generally request flight following on the clearance delivery frequency. In your request include your destination, type aircraft, and intended cruise altitude. You should also include the ATIS code.
What is an example of a VFR clearance?
For example, a departure requiring no altitude restriction or heading assignment would be issued a clearance like: November One Two Three Sierra Xray, cleared out of the Los Angeles Bravo airspace, (VFR departure instructions), departure frequency one two five point two, squawk one zero five two.
How do you request VFR clearance?
As a pilot performing a VFR flight and departing from a controlled airfield, you must contact the ATC before taxi in order to have the initial VFR clearance. You will obtain this clearance from a ground or tower controller. In other airports, you may ask the approach controller to obtain your clearance.