What are the dangers of tunnels?

What are the dangers of tunnels? Accidents in tunnels are more dangerous than in the open air. An explosion or fire may cause considerable damage and hazardous substances cannot be removed quickly. Smoke causes poor visibility, lack of oxygen rapidly occurs and there may be panic. It is difficult to escape from a tunnel.

Is it OK to honk in a tunnel?

This is said to be less for superstition and more for safety. In the past, tunnels used to be only a single-lane wide, so drivers would honk to let cars coming from the opposite direction know they were driving through.

How long do tunnels last?

Underground structures last a significantly longer life time than above-ground structures. Approximately about 50 years for above-ground, over 100 years for tunnels.

Why do trains honk before going into a tunnel?

If for no other reason, the horn can alert those folks to get to safety. either to alert people when they enter the tunnel(like MOW, or trespassers) or in some cases, to be friendly at kids(or railfans) at the tunnel entrance.