What are the components of tourism supply chain?

What are the components of tourism supply chain?

Components of Tourism Supply
  • Natural Attractions - Caves, canyons, rocks, waterbodies, landscapes.
  • Man-Made Attractions - Theme parks, towers, bridges, architecture, temples, mosques, churches, and monuments.
  • Cultural Attractions - Historical sites, monuments, local arts and crafts, local folk core, music and dance.

What are the 3 pillars of sustainable tourism?

The ILO's definition of sustainable tourism is, that it is “composed of three pillars: social justice, economic development, and environmental integrity.

What is AAAA in tourism term?

AAAAA (5A) is awarded to the most important and best-maintained tourist attractions in the People's Republic of China, given the highest level in the rating categories used by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

What are the six principles of hospitality?

What are the six principles of hospitality? The Sharia Basic Principles in hospitality consist of six (6) principles, among others, namely the principle of consumption, the principle of entertainment, the principle of business activities, ethical principles, principles of boundary relations, and principles of layout.

What are the 8 components of tourism industry?

There are eight sectors of Tourism:
  • Accommodation.
  • Food & Beverage.
  • Adventure Tourism & Recreation.
  • Transportation.
  • Attractions & Retail.
  • Travel Trade.
  • Events & Conferences.
  • Tourism Services.

What are 5 factors influencing current tourism?

Some show immediate effect while, there are also factors which affect in the long run.
  • Environment at Destination. ...
  • Economy of the Country. ...
  • Historical or Cultural Importance of Destination. ...
  • Research Importance of Destination. ...
  • Religious Importance of Destination. ...
  • Technology.

What are the 7 forms of sustainable tourism?

Tourism forms identified by the literature as being “sustainable” are numerous: ecological tourism (ecotourism), green tourism, soft, rural tourism and agrotourism, community tourism, solidarity and responsible tourism, all these opposing to the traditional, mass tourism.

What are the six components of tourism?

There are six major components of tourism, each with their own sub-components. These are: tourist boards, travel services, accommodation services, conferences and events, attractions and tourism services.

What are the 8 components of tourism and hospitality?

For many years, however, the tourism industry was classified into eight sectors: accommodations, adventure and recreation, attractions, events and conferences, food and beverage, tourism services, transportation, and travel trade (Yukon Department of Tourism and Culture, 2013).

What is the Big Five in tourism?

The Big Five was traditionally used as a hunting term to describe the five most dangerous animals in Africa to hunt. Their reputation has spilled over into the tourism industry and now elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard and rhino remain the most sought after species to see on the continent.

What are the 7 components of tourism?

There are 7 major components of Tourism Marketing: 7A's which are: Attraction, Accommodation, Accessibility, Amenities, Activities, Affinity, Actors, and Acts.

What are the 6 unique characteristics of the tourism industry?

  • INCONSISTENCY. Probably, tourism industry products and services may be dissimilar. ...

What are the 12 principles of sustainable tourism?

The 12 aims of sustainability in tourism have been defined by the UNWTO as: economic viability, local prosperity, employment quality, social equity, visitor fulfillment, local control, community wellbeing, cultural richness, physical integrity, biological diversity, resource efficiency, and environmental purity.

What are the 9 pillars of tourism?

These are pillars of tourism explained in details:
  • Accommodation. Accommodation is meant to ensure comfort and a place to rest and sleep when traveling. ...
  • Attractions. Attractions are what draw travelers in. ...
  • Adventure & Recreation. ...
  • Catering facilities. ...
  • Entertainment. ...
  • Events. ...
  • Transportation. ...
  • Travel agencies & Tourism Services.

What are the five 5 tourism and hospitality supply components?

Tourism supply components are classified into five main categories:
  • Natural Resources.
  • Infrastructure.
  • Superstructure.
  • Transportation and transportation equipment.
  • Hospitality resources.

What are the 5 components of tourism?

The five vital components of tourism system are Attraction, Accessibility, Accommodation, Amenities and Activities.