What are the classes in Hawaiian society?
What are the classes in Hawaiian society? Hawaiians were sharply divided into three main social classes: ali'i (chiefs), maka'ainana (commoners), and kahuna (priests). Oral legends tell us that the Islands were usually divided into six to eight small kingdoms consisting of an island or part of an island, each governed by an ali'i nui (ruling chief).
What are the different types of people in Hawaii?
Hawaiian people are an ethnically diverse group. Only about 10% of Hawaii's total population of 1.5 million identifies as ethnically Hawaiian. People that are ethnically Hawaiian have Polynesian roots and are part of the Pacific Islander group. The largest ethnic group of Hawaii is Asian, followed by White.
What is the richest ethnic group in Hawaii?
The hierarchy of the richest and poorest ethnic groups in Hawai'i hasn't changed much since the 1970s, Okamura says. That ranking puts Japanese, Chinese and Whites at the top, with Filipinos and Native Hawaiians nearer the bottom.
What is Hawaiian culture like?
Hawaiian culture is based around age-old legends and superstitions, ranging from traditional gods and goddesses like Maui (a demi-god who pulled up the island from the sea bed), Pele (a wicked and deceptive volcano goddess) and her sister Poliahu (a snow god).
What is a Hawaiian stereotype?
Stereotypes of Native Hawaiians include: territorial bullies, overweight fellows, uneducated imbeciles, seductive hula dancers, drug addicts, and more (Tsai, 2004, p. 3).