What are the challenges faced by the hospitality industry in the UK?

What are the challenges faced by the hospitality industry in the UK? The problem: One of the primary challenges faced by the UK hospitality industry is recruitment. The industry is known for its high turnover rates, making it difficult for businesses to maintain a stable workforce. This issue has been compounded by a shrinking pool of skilled candidates as businesses changed post-Covid.

What is the trend in hospitality in the UK 2023?

Unsurprisingly, consumers are more price-led when choosing venues compared to last year – indicating they're becoming more cost conscious. The eating out market is set to be a challenging landscape to navigate in 2023, and operators will need to look for ways to emphasise value for money.

What are the main challenges in the UK travel industry today?

The challenges related to air travel arose due to a shortage of staff during the pandemic. The reduced availability of people who are essential for air travel operations such as check-ins, security checks, and boarding, created delays throughout the travel process.

What is the future of tourism in the UK?

Summary – 2023 forecast Our latest inbound forecast for 2023 is 37.5 million visits, 92% of the 2019 level. Inbound visitors are forecast to spend £30.9 billion, 109% of the 2019 level in nominal terms although 90% in real terms (taking inflation into account).