What are the benefits of having a baby born in the US?

What are the benefits of having a baby born in the US? The benefits to your baby of being born in America include the following: American citizenship and a Social Security number. Visa-free entry to 169 different countries. Grants while enrolling in major U.S. educational institutions.

Can I stay in USA if my child is born in USA?

Adult children with parents living outside of the USA can sponsor their parents to reenter the USA and live there permanently. Parents of a child born in the USA can apply for a Green Card if their child is 21 years old or over and they plan to live in the USA on a permanent basis.

Can I travel to USA if I am pregnant?

How U.S. Immigration Law Treats Pregnancy. In many situations, U.S. immigration law considers pregnancy to be much like any other medical condition. Entering the U.S. for medical treatment is allowed under a B-2 visa, though you must be able to pay for it with your own funds or with private health insurance.